Frequently Asked Questions
What is an excess?
All our policies include a policy excess. This is the first part of any claim that you have to pay yourself. Details of your excess can be found on your policy schedule.
You may also have a voluntary excess in addition to the standard excess or a higher compulsory excess.
How do I pay the excess?
All excesses will be deducted from your claims payment.
What is a Loss Adjuster?
A loss adjuster is an independent claim specialist who assesses claims and recommends a fair settlement.
Does a claim affect my no claims bonus?
For each valid claim made under any section of your policy, your no claims discount will be affected.
How will losing my no claims bonus affect my insurance premiums?
For each claim free year you have, you are eligible for a discount. You will automatically receive a discount each year, up to a maximum of five claim free years. When you make a claim on your home insurance your discount will reduce.
How long will my claim take?
Our aim is to respond to claims within 5 working days. The overall time taken to settle a claim will depend on a number of factors but we aim to deal without any unnecessary delays and will keep you advised.
What do I do if my premises can no longer be used due to the damage?
All reasonable costs for alternative accommodation will be considered in accordance with your policy as part of any valid claim.
What do I do if I disagree with the settlement figure or claims decision?
In the first instance please contact our claims department on 0800 085 3590 Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm to discuss. If you remain dissatisfied please refer to our complaints procedure.